About LoveLoveCrazyLove

30 years old... and on the hunt for Mr. Right. Will I find him or am I looking for love in all the wrong places?

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Date #7 – The Ultimate Loser

#7’s Stats

Age: 34

Height: 5’8

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Job: Marketing – Actually unemployed

Kids: None                Wants: Yes

Drinks: Yes

Smokes: No

Single for: My guess is forever


So we talked a bit online and I wasn’t crazy about his look.  Again, not unattractive but looked psychotic.  Listening to my questionable friend who stated that he just looks fun and goofy, I chatted with him a bit.  Small talk and basic conversation didn’t go that bad, but  I told myself that I wasn’t going to waste his time or my time by continuing the conversation the second he sent me a message that said:  Hi, Will you go skydiving with me?

Later, my friend who I will never listen to anymore asked me about him.  I told her that I got the creeps and wouldn’t be going out with him.  She told me that I was being overly critical and should take a stab at it.  Like a dummy, I listened.


I was about 10 minutes late and felt bad because I left my phone at home so I couldn’t call.  I went in and saw him leaned over the coffee bean counter as if he lost his best friend.  I didn’t recognize him initially because he didn’t have his “goofy” AKA psychotic face on.  He was very muscular and seemed to lack a lot of confidence.  He looked as if he rolled out of bed hadn’t showered in days.


I met him in a coffee shop.  I apologized for being late.  He said don’t worry about it in the most passive aggressive way that anyone could.

He then asked, “Would you like some coffee?”

I replied, “Yes.”

“Well then, go ahead and buy it,” he responded.

Whatever!  I thought.  I purchased my coffee as he went outside to find a table.  When I went out to meet him, he stated it was too loud so he wanted to sit inside.  We sat inside and it was again, too loud for him so I politely asked if he wanted to walk around the block.  We talked and walked around the block.  I found out that he has been on and off the dating site for a little over a year and was unemployed.  I know everyone needs someone, but what he needed was a job.

As we walked around the block, he walked a good 7 paces ahead of me.  How was this even conversation friendly?  I thought to myself, great, he’s not into me, no awkward moments.  By the time I got by my car, he asked me to dinner.  I almost laughed in his face because I’m never paying for a guy’s dinner again, I learned that lesson from my 20’s.  If we were dating a long while or in a relationship, that’s different.  Ok, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say we would go dutch.  He still wasn’t worth a second date.  I’m kinda proud of myself because I didn’t use the ultimate jerk line by saying, “I’ll call you”, I said, “call me in a couple weeks.”  Too bad in a couple of weeks I’ll be in Moscow.


Socially, people would think I was a saint because I was dating the bummy less attractive rain man.  But then, all of a sudden women would find him attractive.  He would get a big head and dump me because of the endless line of tail that assumed he must be excellent in bed because he has nothing else to offer the world.


I made this a standard question?


He doesn’t have a job, he doesn’t know how to prioritize, he’s selfish, he’s egotistical…


I don’t like guys who don’t work.  Work as in job or work as in functional representations of the male species.

Date #6 AKA Young Spielberg

#6’s Stats

Age: 32

Height: 5’10

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Job: Entertainment

Kids: None                Wants: Yes

Drinks: Yes

Smokes: Occasionally (yuck!)

Single for: ??


He initiated contact and seemed like a cool guy.  Handsome yet awkward.  I knew he was going to be super slim which I dreaded.  Noassatall may be fine with most girls, but concave just isn’t desireable for me.  Plus, I can’t pass on a gene like that to my children, it would be very irresponsible…

We chatted for a while online and exchanged  notes back and forth about movies about living in LA, about loathing LA, and about loving it.  He was out of town working on a film but when he got back, we quickly made plans for a bowling date. 


I was rushing from work and didn’t get a chance to put on my make-up.  As I sat in the car about to apply my lipstick, he walked up and said hello.  Crap! Oh well whatever, it’s bowling and he’s already seen me now.  He was a bit older looking than his profile photo’s which worked in his favor.  He had the sex appeal that 30 and 40 year olds have for younger women.  The graying stubble and the chisled face.  His eyes were gorgeous and stood out from behind the frames on his face.  Tshirt and jeans, nothing too impressive but what can I say, it’s bowling and I didn’t have on a face. 


We had exchanged so much shit talking back and forth about what this bowling game was going to be that when we walked up to the counter he immediately paid for 3 games.  The bowling alley was not anything fancy and I had this constant threat looming above my head that my purse was going to get stolen or the gang banger in the next lane was going to gang bang me if given the opportunity.  *Creepy!*  (I stepped up to bowl and this guy walked directly right up next to me as if he knew me – Not very comfortable). 

Anyway, he was kinda quiet, but a lot of times, I appreciate quiet.  I like just having company sometimes and seeing as how I was winning this game his company was nothing but appreciated.  My winning streak didn’t last too long.  I’m kinda glad about that.  How attractive would he have been to me if he would have lost all 3 games?  

After bowling, it was time for a laugh.  We went to a comedy improv show and where  I volunteered to go on stage so I guess it must have left a positive impression because he leaned forward in his seat to watch me.  When we left the show, he grabbed my hand and we ran across the street.  In grabbing my hand he told me that he was taking the lead and definitely not interested in being friends. 


We’d be friends for a long while.  I’d probably try to pawn him off on an amazing girl that I knew who wasn’t into assess but he’d be very much about me (gotta love my ego!).  I after dating 94 more guys and waiting for Mr. Right to show up on my doorstep would eventually see that he’s the catch of the century.  Then, we’d get married and I’d be the bread winner supporting his dream until I got knocked up and then he’d go do a job he hated somewhere because that’s the kind of guy he is.   Coming home smelling like cigarettes because he’s now a chain smoker who’s secretly resentful… and I would cry at night because my children suffer from noassatall.   


He’s funny, smart,  creative.  Gorgeous eyes!  We have similar reasons for doing what we do in life. 


He doesn’t have a steady job.  I would have to take the back burner for who knows how long. 


I like when guys assert their dominance. 

Date #5 – Mr. DeMille

#5’s Stats

Age: 30   (looks 40)

Height: 6’1

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Job: Entertainment

Kids: None                Wants: Yes

Drinks: No

Smokes: No

Single for: ??


I came across a profile where the guy was traditionally not what I would look for in a boyfriend or someone I would even make out with on a drunken occassion.  He wasn’t unattractive, he just wasn’t my type physically.  As I read his profile, a bunch of commonalities popped up and I thought, sure, why not.  It’s not like I have to marry the guy or I’m obligated to go out with him a second time.


He arrived before me.  Not sure how long he had been waiting but I was on time.  He forewarned me that he cut his facial hair which had me on pins and needles before meeting him because that could be a good thing or a bad thing.  When I saw him waiting, I knew it was him only because I received a text from him letting me know he was there.  He was dressed in a button down and jeans.  He had a nice face kinda like a school teacher or preacher.


We talked while we waited for our table.  Initially I thought we were having two different conversations almost as if he confused me with someone else.  He commented on my job without really knowing where I work and exactly what I did but I figured it was nerves.

When we sat down, we continued talking.  It was as if there was no breaking point between thoughts and it flowed and I appreciated that I could be my inner geek in front of him and talk about Sci-fi.  That was fun.  He talked about work and projects he was working on as if it were his normal way of impressing girls only to find out that I was more interested in talking about comic books.  Our service was pretty slow.  When he did stop by the waiter flirted with me which was pretty hilarious.  I’m not sure if we looked like the odd couple or if the waiter was just that rude.

After dinner, we went for ice cream.  We continued talking for a while and just when I got comfortable, the uncomfortable question pops up:  Why are you on the dating site? Which translates to:  Why are you single? I can’t just tell the truth and say, because I just haven’t met him yet so here’s my chance to reveal my flaws.  I tell him that it’s because I have my guard up and I’m horrible at communicating with guys I actually like.   Sad, but true!

He responded with some weird comment about how some women in LA are screwed up and guarded.  I just used the word guarded, was he not listening or was this just a nervous reaction to what I said.  Keeping a mental note of this one.   He proceeds to tell me that his job calls for a lot of demands and because most people don’t see him outside of that environment, it makes him undateable…

After ice cream he asks if we can continue the night.  While we had a blast talking, I realized that I had a lot of work cut out for me the next day and I couldn’t help but to think about #3 and #4.  In the back of my mind, I wondered if  I even had a chance with #3.  As physical attraction goes, he’s more my speed.  Then, I thought about #4.  I think I would have great conversation with #4 and we still haven’t had our second date yet and as physical attraction goes, he’s golden.  All this in a fraction of a second to say that I wasn’t physically attracted to #5.  I liked talking to him, but I knew this was the guy you’d have to date for a while and then he’d grow on you and you’d get past it… Maybe this is the route I’m supposed to take in finding true love, but I just don’t think I’m ready for any close-ups with Mr. DeMille.  95 more to go, no need to settle.

He leaned in to kiss me and I dodged it like a bullet and turned into the hug as if it were the best hug ever and slipped back to my car.   What can I say, he’s no #3.  He asked for a second date and I told him we’d talk next week after my schedule died down… I didn’t want to say, let me see what’s going on with #3 and #4 first.  SMH.


When we spent time together we would talk hours on end about any and everything.  Matching Halloween costumes, trips to every tech and film festival imaginable.  We’d be that couple that everyone was like, what, really?   Roger Ebert started dating Halle Berry?!   Then hell would freeze over.


He’s fun to talk to, he’s very witty, and patient.


Not physically attracted to him (yet?).  Not the best listener.


I’m too nice.  I need to get the hell out of dodge the second I know it’s not going to work and not try to justify it and try to “rationalize” it into working.  I used the dreaded, “I’ll call you” line .  SMH.

Date #4 – The Counselor


Age: 28

Height:  6’1

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Job:  Counselor

Kids: None                Wants:  Yes

Drinks: No

Smokes: No

Single for:  ??


We got off to a quick start chatting and then he disappeared.  He was attractive in his pictures but I was a bit apprehensive about his beard and mustache.  I’m not against beards and mustaches, just when they are lined thinly or too bushy I get scared.  I hate getting red faced after kissing someone whose facial hair will cut into my face or when their facial hair will make me stare uncomfortably at their face wondering who committed this travesty to such a handsome canvas.  Ok, enough with the beards…

Very bluntly he told me he’s not a writing guy and I get that.  I like writing to guys on the site, but some guys just don’t have it in them.  So we made a date to meet for coffee. And I’m sure as a professional counselor  he just wanted to analyze me first to make sure I wasn’t a nutzo.  By the time we booked our coffee date, I was over the long dates and the akwardness the first 2 had caused. 


I walked into the coffee shop and he was standing there all tall and handsome waiting for me.  I don’t know why, but the second I opened the door, I knew it was him.  We greeted with a hug as if we’d known each other and I knew he was pleasantly surprised to see that I looked like my pictures.  That’s a good thing considering the long night I had before.  He smiled genuinely and it made me feel welcomed.  And the beard… was ok. 


We sat down and talked a little.  It was easy with him and I can see why he’s good at what he does.  We cracked jokes back and forth a little and talked about what we liked and I was pleased to find out that he’s not a drinker and doesn’t really like unecessarily loud places which was a great comfort to find another person who could just chill and do things that are typical or aren’t and be comfortable without all the chaos. 

Unfortunately our meeting got interrupted abruptly with a work responsibility I had, but I guess this is good.  It was the perfect set up for a second date.  In a counselor like fashion, he asked me, “What do you think?” And I managing to make every situation awkward and difficult responded looking at my drink, “it’s ok.”  I guess I’m a jerk and wanted to hear him ask me out a second time.  He responded, “No.  About us going out.”  To which I said yes. 

Hopefully he doesn’t over analyze that and think it’s a lack of interest.  We shall see…


Lots of outdoor activities and conversations about any and everything.  Cooking together as a past time.  Talking every single potential problem out.  A perpetual argument about me rationalizing everything to the point where it isn’t rational so we argue about my inability to rationalize coherently…. My head hurts.  Shut up and kiss me! And to that, he responds, No, not until we talk it out. 


He’s very attractive, funny, smart,  able to laugh at himself, and very genuine.   


Younger than me shouldn’t be an issue because he seems to be mature, but I’m kinda shakey on this one. 


I’m addicted to my blackberry and I need to find a way to shut it off.     

Date #3 AKA 3 Times the Charm?

#3’s STATS

Age:  32

Height:  6’0 (finally!)

Ethnicity: Indian

Job:  Finance

Kids: None                Wants:  Yes

Drinks: Yes

Smokes: No

Single for:  1 year


Totally saw his profile online and thought, ABSOLUTELY.  I know I’m not supposed to be shallow and look at the profile pic and make a decision, but he was super cute and we had things in common so it wasn’t like I was being superficial (Right?!). We exchanged notes back and forth and it was as if he was perfect.  Hmmm.  I’ve got my one eye open with him. 

He asked me out pretty quickly and unfortunately I already had plans, but I guess if we did go out last weekend, I would have never started this blog. 😉  We text back and forth during the week with small talk.  So by the time our night rolled around, I was eager to actually put a face to the words and hopefully a smile. 


We parked and arrived at the restaurant around the same time.  I saw him almost walk past the place he picked.  He greeted me with a half hug.  I was worried because I thought he might be disappointed in my height or if I had something on my face because he looked spooked.  Overall, he looked better in the flesh and was extremely handsome.  His build perfect (medium and muscular), smile perfect, eyes perfect!  Generally I’m into wierd noses, but I really loved his cute nose. It was perfect.   He was wearing a hat and a polo with jeans.  He looked good in a hat, I like hats, but it would have been nice to see him without it. 


I wasn’t as nervous as I expected myself to be.  I guess the other 2 dates warmed me up.  The physical attraction was there now all I had to do was not stumble across my words.  We talked for a while and I felt a little bad because I didn’t really come up with anything to initiate a conversation because the nervous bug attacked my tongue and brain but he was able to keep it going.  I knew I wasn’t doing too bad when about 3 questions in he asked if I was doing anything afterwards.  I jokingly told him that I had another date next door.  He laughed.  At least he gets my humor. 

I followed a friend’s advice and when the check came, I didn’t offer to pay.  A friend told me that when a girl does this it’s a signal that she wants to be friends so I didn’t reach for my wallet.  Well, I started to but stopped. 

We then went to a bar, had a drink and played pool and then he totally stole a kiss.  Sooner than I thought, but well received despite my brain telling me don’t, the chemistry was saying yes and it actually feeling natural.  Hopefully this is something I don’t regret later.  Oh who am I kidding.  It was nice and worth it. 

I tried to get him to dance but he told me that he wouldn’t embarrass himself on the first date and that he’s not a big dancer.  Sigh.  We were having a good time and I enjoyed his company so I guess I’ll let this one slide. 


A never ending battle to get his hat off his head.  Me giving a lot of lap dances at clubs trying to get him out of the chair to dance with me.  Typical date night activities and lots of make out sessions.   


He’s very attractive.  He’s funny and a smart ass.  He’s competitive and family and friend oriented.  Not afraid of PDA. When a couple girls were swarming around like voltures he ignored them and focused on me and the pool game. 


I might have to fight him to get the chance to see his hair.   He probably won’t dance with me EVER.  And I will have to battle my hormones to actually get to know him as much as I want to. 


I’m ok kissing on a first date when the guy is like #3

Date #2 AKA The Student

#2’s STATS

Age:  25

Height:  5’10

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Job:  Student

Kids: None                Wants:  Maybe

Drinks: Occasionally

Smokes: No

Single for:  ??


I run into a graduate student and find him pretty cute and interesting from his profile.  We chat.  He’s super serious which I get.  He’s about school right now and that’s kind of a turn on.  I told him that I like horror movies and he said he wasn’t into them and preferred romantic comedies instead.  When I told him I wanted to use horror movies as an excuse to cuddle with him it went right over his head (TWICE).  Maybe it was because he knew there was going to be no cuddling anytime soon… So of course I wouldn’t hold it against him.  He’s 25 and has his stuff together.

Before planning our date, he told me that he had a lazy eye and that I should be aware of his condition.  It didn’t bother me.  Lazy eye big whoop.


We met outside a restaurant that he frequents.  He was dressed in a college shirt and shorts with flip flops and looked like he just rolled out of bed.  I wore my favorite jeans with a cute halter styled top in an effort to look casually cute.  I thought he wasn’t that excited about meeting me although he smiled because he put zero effort in his presentation.  Then, there was the eye.  Well, the eyes.  They weren’t as lazy as I thought because they were dancing and I didn’t know which to look directly at.  I didn’t want him to feel self-conscious so I quickly turned so we could go into the restaurant.


We sat down and immediately started talking.  I was a little nervous at first because he was majorly cute and his profile didn’t lie too much (he actually said 6’0 and came in about my dad’s height at 5’10 – Maybe I should get used to this height lie).  I talked so much I didn’t realize that the waitress came twice for our order.  Finally I shut up and tried to pick something as quickly as possible.  I must have initially been a good conversationalist because he continued to ask me questions as I ate my meal.

By the time I finished eating, I was beyond the eye condition and ready to talk more.  So much of our conversation was about school that I was starting to feel anxious as if I had a test coming up.  I tried to stir the conversation into something less serious but it seemed to make him shut down more.  Great.  All work, no play…

The check came, he paid and graciously might I add.


Him working constantly.  Me waiting at home in sexy lingerie with a glass of wine in one hand and a steak in another.  Him coming home and seeing that and asking me why I don’t have any clothes on.  He takes the steak and wine and goes and sit at the table eating the steak and drinking the wine as if I weren’t there.  Oh God, I’ve become Kathy Bates’ character in Fried Green Tomatoes.  Hopefully my only friend won’t be Jessica Tandy.


Hmmm….  He’s a student and loves his future career.


He’s a serious hard core student and can’t pick up on flirting if it hit him in the face.  He spends so much time in his work when it’s time to play he doesn’t know how to let go.


I can’t be the teacher.  I’m not looking for a student.

Date #1 AKA Tits McGhee


Age:  Early 30’s

Height:  5′??  (Says 5’8.. maybe on Mars)

Ethnicity: Latino

Job:  Marketing

Kids: None                Wants:  Yes


Smokes: No

Single for:  1 year


So, the first guy I spoke to on the dating site just so happened to be the first guy I thought was cute.  In his pictures he was bald and kinda pudgy.  Very nice smile and seemed like an all around fun guy that loves to travel.  While I’m a petite woman, I actually don’t mind larger guys.  The only apprehension is that his Tits are bigger than mine and it does make me feel slightly insecure.  At the end of the day I decided that I liked tits personality. He wrote some things that really struck a cord and made me think very highly of him and since he matched all the important specifications, I was excited about going out with him.

When I asked what we were going and what we were doing he told me to dress casual and not wear heels.  It was kinda exciting not knowing what he had planned and knowing that we were meeting in a highly populated public place.


We met outside a restaurant.  It was a good thing he told me what he was wearing because otherwise I would have walked straight past him.  He had no tits.  He’d either managed to put on spanx under his tight as shirt and hold those puppies down to look like chiseled pecks or he’d been working out.  Normally I’d think wow, better than expected but there were two other things that couldn’t off set that surprise.  In his pictures he had no beard.  In person beard.  And not a goatee.  Not the kinda beard that accompanies a mustache, the beard that says I am man, hear me roar.   It was the kind of beard that made you think, he needs a bandana and a gold hoop.  While the beard was something that could change.  He abruptly offered to shave it, nothing could change the fact that he was my height and I was wearing sneakers.  There’s even a possibility that he was shorter as I remember going in for the hug and his shoulder fitting well under my arm pit.


As we turned to go into the restaurant he grabbed my hand.  I immediately remember cringing because it was way too soon.  He took the hint.  When we sat down at the bar to eat, he ordered a drink and I a salad.  He placed his hand on my leg and continued to try to hold my hand.  The now creepy pirate was trying to steal affection in any way he could.  After catching a couple of hints, we discussed traveling and his last relationship.  His last relationship was a sore spot for him as it lasted a short amount of time.  Why is it that all the short ones leave the crazy scars?

The check came and he paid.  I asked him what he had planned for us and he said, “whatever you want to do.”  Wow!  What happened to the planning.  I suggested we play pool.  While we were playing pool I quickly realized that while he wasn’t unattractive, I just didn’t feel any chemistry.  He flirted and tried kissing me and hugging me and it just didn’t work for me.  One because I had no clue who he was and the other because I wasn’t attracted to him.  He suggested we play a round for a drink and a kiss.  This is the part where he stepped his pool playing skills up and hustled me out of a drink because I didn’t agree to the kiss.  I purchased him a drink and myself water.  I ended the date and he offered to walk me to my car but I felt that if I allowed him to do that he’d try to kiss me again and slip his tongue down my throat!


Road trips to Vegas with his friends until I got knocked up and he’d try to keep them coming.  When I returned home from a long day we’d watch TV and he’d drink a beer while I did crossword puzzles filling in words that didn’t fit in the boxes but simply matched my secret disdain for his perpetual beer drinking and lack of creativity.  We’d eventually get married, reluctantly.  He’d probably quit his job one day just because he didn’t want to cut his beard right after knocking me up with baby 3.  The highlight of my day would be shopping at Walmart, the week going to the movies, and the year going to Vegas to watch him out drink his buddies at a night club.


He’s genuinely truthful in trying to settle down.  He’d be open to doing the things that I wanted to do.


He had no tits and he’s short.  Basically, he lied on his profile.  He’d probably settle down with anyone and he’s not aggressive enough.  Too much touchy touch too soon.


I am more into physical attractiveness than I originally thought.  This isn’t limited to Tall, dark, and handsome… I just may have a male tit fetish.